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By experience over the years, Dr. Mehra has located 16 specific points of pain around the navel and the hip. Removal or reduction of one or more of these pains results in a sense of well-being, which is confirmed by the patient. Cure is effected when this duration of the feeling of well-being becomes progressively longer and longer until the person is totally free from all his symptoms. Backed by study of physiology, Dr. Mehra has correlated combinations of these pain points with different symptoms associated with different diseases.

Based on practical observation and experience, Dr. Mehra theorizes that one of the reasons for pains around the navel is a reduction in the quantity of, or obstruction to the flow of, blood and/or lymph, to one or more of the internal viscera in the region. An organ deprived of adequate blood for a prolonged period of time, will naturally lead to a diseased state. A simple but effective technique similar to palpation, helps to ascertain the region of pain.

Deficiency of blood to any one region(s) must be accompanied by an excess blood flow to some other region(s), since the blood volume cannot physically diminish/increase erratically, except in case of an accident or a hospital procedure. Therefore, any technique which can divert the flow of blood from region(s) of excess flow to region(s) of deficit flow should bring results of some kind or other.
So the first step in diagnosis is to palpate and look for hardness/ tenderness / pain in the LMNT pain points.

The next logical step is to select from a set of pre-determined set of formulas already formulated by the treatment protocol developed by Dr. Mehra, involves application of pressure on pre-determined areas of the body, in a specific sequence and for a specific time period, typically 6 seconds. When this is repeated a certain number of times, it is found to relieve pain in specific areas. It is theorized that application of such pressure diverts the flow of blood and/or lymph to the desired region.

Determination Of The Location For Application Of Pressure
Since the LMNT technique addresses itself to reducing the pains in and around the navel, it stands to reason that even for the same person, the treatment protocol will necessarily have to change after a few days, depending upon his pain points for that day. This is exactly what makes Neurotherapy so unique. Likewise, the same treatment may be required to be given to different persons with different ailments, but who have the same pain points.

A detailed discussion of the formulas and their use is available in Dr. Mehra's book titled Neurotherapy Ved. However, the basic principles are outlined here.

As said earlier, the navel is the centre of the body. It can be demonstrated again and again, beyond any doubt, that pressure applied on both legs, between the groins and the ankles relieves pains above the navel, while pressure applied on the arms or forearms up to wrists relieves pains between the navel and the perineum. Likewise, pressure on the left arm or leg relieves pains on the right side of the navel and vice-versa.

With this knowledge, it is possible to work out different permutations and locations to accurately relieve pains in specific areas around the navel. By doing so, the blood/nerve flow to an organ is restored, which in turn stimulates the organ to normal functioning, without recourse to any medicines. Being of a practical nature, the actual manner in which pressure is to be applied is to be learnt from any of the students/teacherswho have gained experienced in the therapy by taking trainiung from Dr. Mehra or his team.

Disorders and symptoms due to acidosis are accompanied by pain on the left side of the navel; hence they are treated by applying pressure on different places on the right arm and leg etc; while symptoms due to alkalosis are treated by applying pressure on the left arm and leg,since they are accompanied by pains at or more places on the right side of the navel. We give a few examples :

Two persons may be suffering from headache, one may have headache due to acidosis and another due to alkalosis, then the treatments would be different.

An example of this is seen while treating vomiting. We find that a person who has greenish vomit - meaning his system is depleted of bile, an alkaline product - would have to be treated for acidosis, while a person with whitish vomit means that his system is depleted of HCl and so would have to be treated for alkalosis. Needless to say that this is borne by patients' symptoms

Similarly, a person with a particular disease/symptom may be required to be treated differently on different days depending upon his constitution on that particular day.

This is the uniqueness of this therapy, which takes into account the personality of the individual. We have even found that the treatment for left frozen shoulder or left eye squint is different from the treatment for right frozen shoulder or right eye squint.

Some of the pressure points used in neurotherapy are described below:-

Liver Point
Liver is stimulated with supply of blood to get rid off many diseases such as heart diseases, fever, infection etc. The stimulation of liver is done by applying pressure. Time and frequency of pressure is changed according to the diseases. Like for example by applying pressure once we can increase Hemoglobin levels by doing it four times we can reduce cholesterol levels and by doing it 12 times we can produce cholic acid.

Adrenal Glands Point
Stimulation of Adrenal will help in treating Polio, Pain Joints, Medicines Side effects, inflammation, Auto-immune disease to reduce the effect of poison. It can be source of Glucio-corticoids, minerals and corticoids when stimulated with blood supply. It is often used to cure autoimmune diseases, inflammation and negative effect of diseases.

Kundli Point
Stimulation of Pineal gland help to treat infection Inflammation, to increase Melatonin level in blood, stop pre mature old age. Pineal is activated to produce Melatonin which is used to maintain and prolong youth. Activity of pineal is also important for diseases infections and inflammations.

Neck Less Point
In Neurotherapy, this point help to treat Headache, Tiredness, Migraine. Necklace is extremely important point to treat in different types of headaches like tension, migraine etc. It relaxes muscles and brings calmness to mind and body.

Medulla Point
By stimulation Medulla, We can stimulate Hypothalamus, Cranial nerves III, IV, VI. By stimulating Vagus 10th , we can stimulate serotonin, Acetylcholine, Dopamine. Depending upon the frequency of applying pressure at medulla point. Medulla point, if applied six times can be used to stimulate hypothalamus. It also reduces pain by not allowing sensory nerves to go to brain.
If applied 8 times it releases Serotonin, which in turn is useful in treatment of Insomnia. When applied 20 times it releases dopamine and is given to patients of idiopathic Parkinson’s disease. When applied 30 times it releases Prostaglandin.

Pancreas Point
Stimulation of Pancreas help to treat Sugar, Cataract, Tumour Cyst, HBP, Renal diseases, Weakness, Loss of appetite, Eye- diseases, Skin problem cracked heels. Pan point also help for somatostatin, Glycogen, Pancreatic enzymes. Basic fundamental of neurotherapy is to apply pressure is to stimulate the organ. When pressure is applied to pancreas point 2 times it produces Somatostatin, when given 5 times it stimulates pancreatic enzymes to dilute acidity of stomach. When given 10 times , it reduces triglycerides.