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Neurotherapy Principles

Basis Of The Therapy
LMNT is like yoga, an experiential therapy*, whose results have been confirmed by treatments given to several patients on repeated occasions all over the country. The therapy has been found to stimulate glands and the internal organs. Glandular secretion takes place only when there is proper nervous stimulation, in addition to proper blood supply. So it is theorized that this therapy streamlines the working of the nervous system, probably through stimulation of synaptosomes on the skin. Hence since 1976, this therapy came to be called Neurotherapy, to denote a therapy dealing withthe nerves and glands.

Some of the most important assumptionsof Neurotherapy (LMNT) are :

From the knowledge of the process of conception, it can be easily understood that the Nabhi or navel is the epi-centre of the body. Disturbance in the relative distance between the navel and the internal organs will show up as pain or hardnessin one or more places around the navel, when palpated in a special fashion. This pain indicates disturbance in blood/lymph/ nerve supplies to one or more internal organs, esp. the organs of digestion.
As a rule, deficiency in blood/nerve supply to any part manifests itself primarily as a pain in one or more locations in the body, with perhaps a few exceptions. All body organs are programmed to function normally until they do not receive proper blood supply / appropriate nervous signals, as the case may be. Pain around the navel means improper blood supply to the organs of digestion which means their normal functionwill be hampered. This means the end products of digestion would not be made properly.

All enzymes and most hormones are made from amino acids while some are from cholesterol. Improper digestion and assimilation means proteins or fats will not be digested properly. This, in turn,would mean improper production of hormonesand/or other body chemicals. When this goes on for a long time, the body would go into a diseased state. This is why we say that improper digestion is the root cause of almost all chronic diseases. In LMNT we stimulate the nerves and improve the supply of blood to the organs of digestion and this starts the healing process. The rest is done by the body itself.

LMNT divides general symptoms into two main categories– those due to acidosis and those due to alkalosis. We theorize that these symptoms indicate a disturbance in the chemical composition of the body fluids / ECF.

The following symptoms are classified as being due to acidosis since they are associated with a decrease in fluid content in the body. Examples are: constipation, very hard stools, piles, low BP, dry hair, blocked nose, yellow urine with burning sensation, scaly skin, itchy dry rashes etc. It has been observed that these symptoms are generally found in persons who drink less water. Such people usually have pains on the left side of the navel/body.

Conversely, symptoms associated with increased fluid content are considered to be due to alkalosis. Prominent examples are: loose motions, high BP, running nose, white colour-less urine, etc. Most people with such symptoms usually have pains on the right side of the navel/body.

LMNT postulates that acidosis or alkalosis can change the texture of the skin or hair etc., and can even influence the tonicity of muscles and for this we require proper flow of blood.

For example, dry hair or dry skin is associated with other symptoms of acidosis while ‘weeping’ rashes with watery exudates, edema(swelling) etc are associated with alkalosis.

Acidosis causes muscles to become loose and is one of the causes for varicose veins, piles, prolapse of uterus etc., while alkalosis causes muscles to tighten such as is associated with spasticity, cramps etc.

Smooth flow of blood is dependent on the state of relaxation of muscles, be it the smooth muscles of the walls of the blood vessels, or other muscles in the body. Alkalosis is associated with with high BP, while acidosis is related to Lo BP.

For example, it is known that Kupffer cells of the liver are responsible for destroying pathogens in the blood. So we stimulate the liver by LMNT technique and in most cases, we have found it to bring down fevers due to ANY CAUSE within A FEW DAYS. This treatment has been found extremely beneficial in treating malaria and jaundice in a number of persons.

This treatment is very simple. We recommend to our students that this treatment should be taught to villagers in malaria-prone areas prior to the onset of monsoon, as a preventive measure. It will be a boon for controlling outbreaks of these diseases in rural areas.

By the same token, by stimulating the liver in small doses, we are able to bring good relief to patients ofjaundice, typhoid and even in cases of hepatitis and liver cirrhosis etc.

To cure viral / bacterial infections, all that we have to do is to stimulate the spleen, the thymus, the lymph nodes etc. This is the LMNT basis for treating infectious diseases and it has been found to be extremely beneficial.

Some more assumptions& FAQs, based on Dr. Mehra's observations and study of the principles of physiology, are presented later on.

It is well known in Yoga that both nostrils do not function similarly; breathing through the left nostril cools the body and promotes anabolism, while right nostril breathing heats up the body and promotes catabolism.

In a similar fashion, it is Dr. Lajpatrai Mehra’s unique discovery -based on observation on hundreds of patients - that both the kidneys, the ovaries and the medullas (the interior part) of the adrenal gland do not perform identically. Some examples are :

When we stimulate the left kidney we find it reduces symptoms of acidosis the burning sensation goes away, the urine becomes whitish;blocked nose clears up; while when we stimulate the right kidney, weeping wounds dry up, watering in the nose reduces dramatically. In fact this treatment is so powerful that if we stimulate the left kidney in a person with running nose his nose will start to water so much that even thick towels cannot contain the watering. We do not recommend anyone to try this experiment, however we confirm that this can be demonstrated effectively.

Pain in the left ovary region is associated with heavy flow in menses; while pain in right ovary region usually accompanies scanty flow during menses. We say that left ovary produces estrogen predominantly, while right ovary produces more of progesterone. Most auto immune disorders are due to hyper activity of the thymus; and it is known that estrogen inhibits the thymus gland. To inhibit thymus, we stimulate the left ovary to produce estrogen and we have found that a number of patients of auto immune disorders get benefitted immediately. This strengthens our belief that the left ovary produces estrogen primarily.

When we apply a special type of pressure on both sides of the spine between T6 – T8 vertebra, we have found it to stimulate the adrenal medulla. We have found that stimulation on the left side mimics the action of epinephrine and causes bronchodilation. This technique is used to open up a blocked esophagal/cardiac sphincter or the urinary sphincters too.

Conversely when we wish to cause vasoconstriction or closure of valves, or blood vessels etc. as in case of varicose veins, we stimulate the right adrenal medulla, by applying similar pressure BUT only on the right side of the spine.

Neurotherapy views the findings of physiology from a different angle. Our view is that whenever any disorder arises because a particular gland does not secrete a particular chemical, or it does not perform a particular function adequately, then all we have to do is to stimulate the gland appropriately.

Based on meticulous observation, what started as a series of assumptions four decades ago in Mumbai, has subsequently been repeatedly confirmed on lakhs of patients all over India in the past decade. This explains the continued success of the therapy.

NOTE :The word ‘experiential therapy’ in relation to LMNT was coined by the stalwartDr. Raghavendra Kulkarni, All India president of Arogya Bharati, meaning a therapy whose results and knowledge are borne by experience OF HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE and not by laboratoryexperiments .

The next most important factor influencing the functioning of muscles is body posture – a fact which is recognized and corrected by yoga through asanas. In Neurotherapy we give a combination of certain specific techniques known as MRTs (Muscle relaxing techniques) to relax the muscles in the region.