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About Dr. Lajpatrai Mehra

Dr. Lajpatrai Mehra, was born in a highly respected family of Amritsar, as the 7th offspring of Sri. Ramgopal Mehra and Smt. Kesara Devi, on 23rd August 1932. A living legend of his times, he is renowned for developing a novel technique (LMNT) of curing the masses without recourse to medicines, and for his selfless and dedicated service to humanity.

At the tender age of 11, he was afflicted with a severe stomach ache, which lasted for several months, which could not be relieved with the best of medical help available at the time. By providence, he met an old man who asked him to lie face down; and cured him almost instantly, by a simple native technique of ‘setting the navel’ by manipulating his hands and legs in a special fashion.

Helping others came naturally to Lajpatrai. Unlike other children of his age, he did not allow the incident to pass by. Instead, he constantly meditated upon the miracle wrought in his body by the seemingly crude technique and longed to relieve others of similar pains.

Ancient Indian texts refer to the navel as being the epicenter of the entire body. Disturbances in the position of the navel in relation to other parts of the abdomen, is the main cause for digestive disorders.

Even though the old man did not teach him the exact technique, the innovative Lajpatrai, recollected that the process exerted pressure on certain points of his body. His mother often used to suffer from stomach aches. With her as a willing subject, he devised a novel method of using his feet to produce a similar effect, to relieve his mother of her pains.

When he had perfected the technique, he started treating others in his neighborhood. Soon hordes of people, suffering from constipation, dysentery and other abdominal disorders, from nearby and distant areas, would line up in front of his father’s home, whom he treated with his newly-founded technique, with great success.

The riots during partition claimed his house as one of its early victims. The family, once prosperous, had to leave all their belongings and arrived in Mumbai (formerly known as Bombay) as refugees, in 1947.

As the bread-winner of a large household (the only son among 9 siblings – he had 6 elder and two younger sisters), young Lajpatrai had a grueling and hectic schedule. In spite of this, he would spend a major part of his after-work hours, in giving free treatment to patients, a habit developed from the very tender age of 11 years. In the process, he invented several newer techniques, and developed a distinctively original method of curing people from several types of ailments, without medicines.

His formal education was until the 10th class; but he could not give the exams due to the partition of India and formation of Pakistan. However, he was doing a lot of free seva in refugee camps. So he was awarded the Matriculation certificate in spite of not sitting for the exams. But the idea of receiving a certificate without giving the examination was anathema to him. After about four years, he sat for and successfully completed the examination for the tenth class.

Family circumstances did not permit him to study further. But nothing could dampen his obsession of upgrading his knowledge with intensive study on his own, on books related to nature cure, human anatomy & physiology, from a very young age. Eventually, he qualified for a degree in Naturopathy.

In due course, based on practical experience gained by treating hundreds of patients and, integrating it with wisdom from ancient Indian scriptures, he applied the principles of physiology in a novel approach, to cure ailments in a manner which has no parallel in modern times. His technique has since been christened by students and well-wishers as Dr. Lajpatrai Mehra's Neurotherapy (LMNT).

His compassionate outlook and passionate dedication to give relief to the maximum number of patients, makes him train as many students as possible. To date, he, with just a few dedicated followers, has trained more than 1000 students; conducted more than a hundred free Neurotherapy camps all over the country; and treated thousands of patients in India and quite a few patients abroad, too.

To date there are more than 650 centres in 24 States across the country to spread Dr. Lajpatrai Mehra's Neurotherapy, plus one in Canada, U.K., Italy and Australia. Every year more centres are being set up. Most of these centers have been established within the last 10 years, following the establishment of the residential training centre, - “Dr. Lajpatrai Mehra’s Neurotherapy Academy” at Suryamal near Wada, 125 km from Mumbai, in Mokhada Taluk, Thane District. Here students come from all over India, to give a concrete shape to his dream of setting up at least one LMNT centre in every six villages. More than three thousand families are earning their livelihood through this therapy.

After learning the techniques at Dr. Mehra’s Ashram/Academy, these students run their own centres where LMNT techniques are the SOLE mode of treatment. These centers are run either with the help of socially-minded organisations such as Seva Bharati or, by the students themselves, independently and without any involvement – financially – from Dr. Mehra or his team of teachers.